


2023 ABOR President
Melissa Temple

Dear Members,

My last Aspen Realtor letter as the President of the Aspen Board of Realtors! Can you believe it?

It’s been a brilliant year full of great experiences with ABOR staff, committees, and a fantastic Board of Directors. I’ve made lots of new friends, connections and come to the realization that there are many people behind the scenes supporting private property rights and the real estate industry now that I’ve had a “peek behind the curtain” at the local, state and national levels.

I’ve been very lucky not to have had a pandemic, a lawsuit or any extraordinary trauma in the industry happen under my watch. But it seems there are constantly changes and challenges within our industry and there are currently changes on the horizon that the board has been carefully monitoring and bringing in education to help you position yourselves properly for as the industry adjusts to the way contracts will be handled going forward. The five Adorna Carroll classes on “Buyer Counselor Presentations” that were offered this year were intended to help you gain a personal understanding of how to navigate these changes and how to have these important conversations with your buyers. They remain available online through, so, please educate yourselves and be prepared to embrace change.  

I want to personally thank you for your continued dedication and support of our community projects including the 2023 Heldman King Scholarship Events which raised $90,000 this year. We are in the midst of the Lift Up food Drive with 16 participating offices in support of those who may be currently in need of food items … you can also drop off your contributions at the ABOR office if you like. Soon we will kick off the winter weather gear collections including gently used (dry cleaned) coats, hats, mittens / winter gear 11/15 – 12/15. 

I am personally very proud of the fact that we have launched ABOR’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEI). We plan to explore ways that we can be more inclusive in this beautiful valley that we call home!

Many thanks to each of you for your membership, your professionalism, and the service you bring to the community and the people that you help to achieve the Dream of Homeownership!

Before I close, I would like to offer my personal congratulations to ABOR’s 2023 Realtor of the Year, Steve Arthur and the 2023 Affiliate of the Year Charles Cunniffe Architects. Thank you for your extraordinary service to the organization. 

It’s been an honor and a privilege to be your President. 

Cheers! Melissa